Information Links
Following information pages will explore more about painting system, painting guide and information about diffrent aspects of painting
Painting system
How to select right painting
Detail about painting systems.
RAL color card
RAL color chart for color selection.
Surface prepration
Surface prepration method
Surace prepration method detail by reputed paint manufacturer.
Surface prepration method
Detail of surface prepration by reputed paint manufacturer.
Method of paint application
Mehtod of paint application
Method of paint application (Where to use brush,Air spray gun etc.)
Basics of airless spray painting
Basic of airless spray painting.
Paint defects
Common Paint defects and its remedy
Common paint defect, it's cause, preventive measure and Remidial measure.
Paint damage,defects and environmental effects
Common paint damages,defect and it's environmental effect.
Paint equipments
Fluid handling equipments
Fluid hadling equipments and systems.
Paint safety equipment and tips
Painting safety tips
Painting potential hazards and safety tips.
Painting safety at work
Health and safety at work.
Painting equiments
Painting equipment and supplies.
Painting equiments and decorating tools
Painting equipment and decorative tools catalouge.
Useful Websites - For painting standards and resources. - Painting products and details. - Painting products detail. - Paints and other products. - Paints and other products. - Indian paint company for home painting.